Untitled (in progress)
watercolor on paper, cut and taped
2010 - 2012
168" x 65"

Detail of Untitled
watercolor on paper, cut and taped
2010 - 2012

Detail of Untitled
watercolor on paper, cut and taped
2010 - 2012

Polarized Head (John)
watercolor on paper
2010 - 2011

Polarized Head (Sarah)
watercolor on paper
2010 - 2011

Polarized Head (Al)
watercolor on paper

Polarized Head (Elizabeth)
watercolor on paper, 2012
26" x 19"

Detail of Polarized Head (Elizabeth)
watercolor on paper, 2012

Glenn Beck in Ice
watercolor on paper, 2011
19” x 26”

Sarah Palin in Ice
watercolor on paper, 2011
26" x 19"

Woman in Ice
watercolor on paper, 2010
26” x 19”

Man, Wood, Water
watercolor, paper, wood veneer, stain, 2013
4" x 6"

Arctic Seascape
watercolor on paper, 2011
26”x 19”

Trail Off
watercolor on paper, 2011
19” x 26”

watercolor on paper, 2012
19" x 26"

The one where I realize I’m doing collage
watercolor on paper, 2012
19” x 26”

Untitled and Unfinished
watercolor on paper, 2013
19” x 13”

Boat in Ice
watercolor on paper, 2011
26" x 19”

Boat in Blue
watercolor on paper, 2012
11” x 9”

watercolor on paper, 2010
15” x 11”

Wood Frame Water
watercolor, paper, wood veneer, stain, frame
13" x 11"

Tree with Couples
watercolor on paper, 2008
26" x 19"

Green Deer
watercolor on paper, 2008
8" x 10"

Deer in Headlights
watercolor on paper, 2008
28" x 22"

Deer in Headlights (Umber)
watercolor on paper, 2008
28" x 22"

Maypole (Without Pole)
watercolor on paper, 2008
22"x 28"
Picnic Approach
watercolor on paper, 2007
28" x 22"
Flower Shot
watercolor on paper, 2007
28" x 22"

'Toile de Jouy' with Spinning Plates
watercolor on paper, 2007
28" x 22"

Untitled (Purple Waves)
watercolor on paper, 2012
22" x 16"

Kayaking Couple
watercolor on paper
9" x 11"